My blood pressure reading is higher/lower than expected

The monitors we work with are all FDA cleared, but there are a few things that can cause the readings you see on your monitor to be different than at your doctor’s office. If you are taking your blood pressure while following these instructions and still see readings that are higher/lower than expected, please read through the reasons below to see if one of them may be the cause:

  • The cuff is the wrong size (too small or too large for your upper arm). If this is the case, please let us know at 

  • The cuff is secured too tightly or too loosely (you should be able toput 2-3 fingers between the cuff and your arm, but it should not be sliding down your arm). 

  • The cuff is being used over clothing (placing the cuff on bare skin is highly recommended, as taking the reading over clothing can affect the results)

  • The wrong position is being used while taking the blood pressure reading or the wrong arm is being used (You should be sitting still in a chair with both feet firmly on the floor and not crossed. Left arm should be relaxed on a table at heart level with palm facing up)

  • There is moving, talking, or holding your breath during the reading

  • The reading is being taken while having a full bladder. Please answer nature's call and try again 
  • The monitor is low on batteries (some monitors may be less accurate when the battery is low. replace the batteries if necessary)

  • Caffeine, alcohol, smoking, exercise, or waking from sleep within 30 minutes of the reading may skew the results

While rare, it is possible that you may have received a faulty monitor. If you feel this may be the case after troubleshooting the reasons above, please reach out to us by clicking the “Contact Support” button below and including the following details:

First name:

Last name: 

Company/benefits plan: 

Username: (The email address and/or phone number you used to sign up for Hello Heart)

Monitor type: (A&D or Zewa)

Description of issue: 


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