Having problems downloading the Hello Heart app? Let's check a few things!
Do you have a compatible device?
The Hello Heart app supports iOS 12 or higher (for iPhone) and Android 8 or higher (for Android). If you click on one of the below links on your smartphone or search for "Hello Heart" in the Apple App Store or Google Play store, you should be able to download the Hello Heart app. If you receive an error message that says your device is not compatible or don't have a smartphone, please click here.
- iPhone: Apple App Store
- Android phone: Google Play Store
Forgot your Apple ID or password?
Don't worry - you're not the only one. Here are the instructions for finding out your Apple ID and resetting your Apple ID password.
Do you have a strong internet connection?
If your Wi-Fi or cell service is showing low bars (weaker connection), please move close to the router or go to a location where you have a stronger signal before trying again.
Do you have enough storage available on your phone?
If your phone is completely full, you won't be able to download new apps. Please open up some storage on your phone by removing items you no longer need, then try again.
Is your phone set to a different country/region?
The Hello Heart app is currently only available in the US App Store.