Am I eligible for Hello Heart?

To be eligible for the Hello Heart program, you must meet all of the requirements outlined below:


Relationship: You may need to be a full-time employee, member, or spouse/dependent of a company or organization partnering with Hello Heart. 


Health plan: You may need to be on a specific company-sponsored medical plan 

  • Some of the employers and organizations we are partnered with do not offer Hello Heart for individuals who have Medicare, Medicaid, or COBRA medical coverage


Health criteria: You may need to meet at least one of the following health criteria:

  • Diagnosed with high blood pressure

  • Been prescribed blood pressure medication

  • Have a blood pressure reading of at least 130/80

  • Your organization may allow registration through additional health criteria. You can confirm these criteria by searching for your organization’s name at and clicking “Let’s get started”.


If you meet the eligibility criteria but are still having trouble signing up, click here.

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